School Facilities
Karthigeyan School offers excellent educational facilities which are continually being extended and developed. A successful programme of School Students development.
Initiatives Aimed At School Facilities Appropriate For A New Era
Karthigeyan School facilities are one of the basic educational requirements, and it is necessary to maintain safe and high-quality school facilities from the perspective of maintaining and improving educational levels in line with the developmental stage.
For this reason, Our school produces guidelines and compiles examples to help in the maintenance of school facilities and disseminates these materials to school officials. Also, as well as providing support for the prioritized and systematic improvement of facilities at national universities, etc., Our school also drives the maintenance and improvement of the campus environment that supports education and research activities at universities and other institutions through the promotion of facility management #1 and other efforts.

Develop The Habit Of Reading
The Foundation of wisdom flows through Books. The habit of reading enriches one’s knowledge. Some books entertain, others instruct, still others elevate our nature. Books bring to your side the comfort of your home, a liberal education, entertainment and counsel of the greatest men the world has ever seen. They tell us about the great discoveries and inventions and progress of our world in Science & Medicine, History, Culture and Values of Civilization, and the shapers of History. The School inculcates the habit of reading through the extensive use of the library facility.

Physics Lab
The aim of the laboratory exercise is to give the student an insight into the significance of the physical ideas through actual manipulation of apparatus and to bring him or her into contact with the methods and instruments of physical investigation. Each exercise is designed to teach or reinforce an important law of physics which, in most cases, has already been introduced in the lecture and textbook. Hands-on experience makes learning fruitful and enjoyable.

Chemistry Lab
Chemistry is an experimental science that combines academic study with the acquisition of practical and investigational skills. Chemistry is called ‘the central science’ because chemical, principles underpin both the physical environment in which we live and all biological systems. Apart from being a subject worthy of study in its own right, chemistry is a prerequisite for many other courses in higher education such as medicine, biological science and environmental science, and serves as a useful preparation for employment. Students attain a depth of understanding of fundamentals of chemistry and a reasonable competence in dealing with chemical problems. The course strives to assist students to think clearly and to express their ideas with clarity and logic.

Biology Lab
Biology is a life science, which is viewed as interrelated systems ranging from chemical processes within cells to interactions among different species in an ecosystem. Through this course students will develop a thorough understanding of key biological concepts including biochemistry, matter and energy transformations (respiration and photosynthesis), evolution, the continuity of life, and the relationship between organisms and the non-living environment. Students will learn about the relationship between structure and function through the study of selected human body systems.

Computer Lab
This course makes the students computer savvy. The basic C and C++ languages are thought. Throughout the course, students are introduced to constructing, coding, and developing small applications, executing and implementing effective programs as per the syllabus.

Creative Art Class:
Karthigeyan School has established the Guidelines for Creative Art Educational Facilities as a compilation of what to pay attention to in planning and designing facilities for each type of school. The guidelines are continuously reviewed to respond to changes to the content and methods of learning and social circumstances. Karthigeyan School also works to disseminate and raise awareness through exemplar models of school facilities and “Anthology of Ideas for Creating New School Facilities,” etc.
Merit Certificates are awarded to those who distinguish themselves in academics, sports and games, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.

Office Room

Transport Facilities
The School has a fleet of buses. This facility is available on certain routes. Children will be picked up and dropped off at designated points with utmost safety. Bus facilities are provided at nominal charges. Interested parents can contact the office for further details.